Mind Body Budget
Join me for tips for your personal growth journey! I'll be touching on different aspects of mental wellness, bodily health, and financial literacy.
Mind Body Budget
11. My Debt Lore Plus Five Strategies to Get Out of Debt
Maddie Rose
Episode 11
It’s normal to have debt, and it’s normal to feel stressed about it. But imagine the freedom and power you would feel if you completely paid yours off!
I want you to grow confidence in your financial decisions, and know that it is possible to pay off your debt. In this episode I’ll tell you a little bit about my journey with debt, and give you five strategies that helped me pay mine off.
CNBC Article: https://www.cnbc.com/select/average-american-debt-by-age/
Music: https://musopen.org
Goldberg Variations, BWV. 988 Variation 3. Canon on the unison